Stolen Songs
von Samantha Armstrong
Koru House Press

simple but special and jumping in the eye

„STOLEN SONGS is a heartfelt and heartbreaking story of letting go of your past when it means taking hold of your future, finding strength in your mistakes, and giving everything you’ve got to heal the ones you’ve broken. *CONTENT WARNING: Contains profanity, sex, and drug abuse.“
Keep one thing in mind before starting this book. It's a debut, and it was beautiful. Samantha is a young girl but has written a sensitive story, beautiful but also sad. An elegant style, which you would never expect from a writer at her first job, but now I want more. We know Maddison and Kingsley, they know each other by chance, he is captured by the music of Maddy's cello, because Maddy to escape from all her problems, plays. She lives in a family home, with other children, because she has been abandoned. It must keep them and therefore its main "job" is to enter people's home and rob them and then sell everything and put food at the table. Nothing is easy in the life of this dark girl, but then Kingley will arrive with his smile and things will be fine ... but only for a while. I did not know there was a following when I got to the end of Stolen Songs and I can say I'm relieved. A continuation is in progress. I am very happy, because I need to know how they feel, I need to know that they will touch again, that they will play together again, that they will be happy again after all the darkness that has followed them during their life.
Maddison and Kingley for me were this. A light in the darkness.  4/5 Stars
Thanks to Netgalley for the review copy of the book.


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