The Darkest Star
von Jennifer L. Armentrout
Tor Teen

Beautiful starfall

„When seventeen-year-old Evie Dasher is caught up in a raid at a notorious club known as one of the few places where humans and the surviving Luxen can mingle freely, she meets Luc, an unnaturally beautiful guy she initially assumes is a Luxen...but he is in fact something much more powerful. Her growing attraction for Luc will lead her deeper and deeper into a world she'd only heard about, a world where everything she thought she knew will be turned on its head...
#1 New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout returns to the universe of the Lux in this brand new series, featuring beloved characters both new and old.“
Finally we are back in the Lux universe and Luc gets his own spin-off series. As with any Armentrout book, there was incredible angst, swoon, and action. Going back to the Lux universe was for me to revel in old memories. As if strolling through a Christmas market and traveling alone through the smell of cotton candy, mulled wine and candied apples in a long time ago and just feels good, as if you came home after a long absence. I had literally no idea what to expect from this Origin series, except for the fact that Luc was going to be there. This book has really exceeded my expectations and lets me rave about it again, because Luc was really one of the reasons why I loved the Lux series so much. I admired Luc and Evie's relationship, which was full of secrets waiting to be deciphered. The plot moves steadily forward and is heavily dependent on Evie's character. Her life begins to change after she visits Lucs Club. This spin-off series brings back the nostalgia and brings me back to this universe that you just had to love and its characters. It is warmth and familiarity. I can’t recommend this book enough to all the Lux fandom out there. It isn't a cliffhanger, but there are still questions that I can't wait to be answered in book 2! The only negative thing I can say is that the book just felt too short. You just always wanted to keep on reading.
5/5 Stars.
Thanks to Netgalley/the publisher for the review copy!


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